Research on Co-Creation
研究テーマ / Main theme
Transforming communities and society by changing oneself first
There are two questions at the starting point of our exploration:
問い1 / Question 1
問い2 / Question 2
From these two questions, a principle has arisen
原則 / Principle
which holds space for dialogue and serves as the guardian of the ecosystem, embodies co-creation.
On this page, chief examples of our empirical experiments are featured, such as the recent case of building a community of mutual aid in Ama Town, our community co-creation research in Minamioguni Town from the earlier days, the “Co-cree! Camp,” a co-creation platform which has been the core pillar for our field tests, and the ongoing “Nara Co-cree! Camp” in Nara City. We have also implemented other initiatives not described on this page, as well as other ongoing field tests.
Examples of Field Tests
島の願いを聴く Listening to the Wishes of the Island
Creating a community of mutual aid to promote the inner-community circulation of people, money, and nature toward a decarbonized society (Ama Town, Oki County, Shimane Pref.: 2023-2024)

想い / Intention
Building a regenerative town requires the creation of businesses and policies (hardware) through transformations of awareness and relationships (software)
Creating the hardware (businesses and policies) alone will not be enough to make them work in the long run if they have no soul in them. Often, seemingly excellent plans prepared primarily by business people outside the community and other experts do not reflect residents’ wishes. The next-generation urban development, which is regenerative and focuses on well-being and decarbonization, doesn’t exist in a future that is an extension of the past. Therefore, one must begin by transforming people’s sense of values. We have established the “Satoyama Satoumi Guruguru Conference” (or Guruguru Conference), a community of mutual aid that promotes the circulation of people, money, and natural resources within the region. We aimed to transform both community members’ awareness and relationships (software) and create essential and sustainable businesses and policies (hardware). We have also conducted field tests to generate actions to realize a fair transition to a decarbonized society.

実践1 / Practice 1
Establishing a mutual aid community of public-private co-creation by designating diverse individuals as the starting point for community transformation
13 key players, who have great influence in town and can serve as the starting point for the transformation of the community if they go through self-transformation, were designated as members of the Guruguru Conference Committee. Members were selected to reflect a good balance of professions, genders, longtime residents, and newcomers. Those who are not very favorable to the government were also intentionally chosen. Consequently, the members represented professionals from agriculture, fishing, stockbreeding, forestry, gas station management, tourism, environment, welfare, entrepreneurs, as well as housewives. To realize a fair transition, mutual assistance between the public and private sectors is necessary to avoid the siloed structure communities tend to fall into. A new cooperation relationship must be established instead of unilaterally providing public aid or promoting self-help. At the Guruguru Conference, members decided the theme of their initiative and implemented specific measures themselves; the secretariat didn’t make decisions independently but took on the role of facilitator to deepen the relationship among participants. The conference was organized in such a way as to stimulate the initiatives of a variety of people.

実践2 / Practice 2
"Listening to the Wishes of the Island" exercises stimulated the transformation of the core team's awareness to change the quality of the conference
We worked with two core team members (Mr. Keisuke Ohno and Mr. Yuichiro Watanabe from the town office) and others to listen to the wishes of the island. For instance, we conducted the “Work to feel the circulation of Satoyama and Satoumi (the entire mountain and ocean)” on the mountaintop, where one can feel the whole island, and continued the practice of opening the five senses every day. Making it a habit to spend 5 to 10 minutes every day on the beach or in the garden to connect with the island to expand the five senses, such as sight, hearing, and touch, gradually changed the core team members’ attitudes and sense of values. The two core team members began to focus on listening carefully to the members’ voices rather than proceeding with meetings according to the deliberate plan. The Guruguru Conference became a space where uncertainty is accepted rather than a place where superficial, “nice things” are said, and authentic comments starting with words such as “actually…” started to be voiced out. Unknown pieces of information also began to circulate.
結果 / Result
Entirely new businesses & policies were created through the change of awareness of the core team members

The two core team leaders underwent an awareness transformation, reflected in comments such as: “I now feel that one can achieve better results when we hold meetings without a set goal,l” and “Since I began to be aware of the island’s nature with my body, I began to think what is best for the island rather than looking at things from an economic perspective like increasing the population.” Due to the change in the leaders’ awareness, the Guruguru Conference has become a place where members can express their true voices more openly, and a relationship of trust was formed, even with the members who had not been favorable to the administration. Furthermore, information that hadn’t been shared due to industry differences started circulating to generate new business ideas. As a result, numerous projects necessary for a fair transition have been launched, such as the “EV Promotion Council” to help offset the loss of fuel sales caused by the promotion of electric vehicles through new business. Other projects include the “Turning Logged Woods to Charcoal Policy” to turn vast amounts of waste into revenue and the “Guruguru Traveling Salespeople System” to put unsold fish into the market – an unresolved issue for fishermen for over 10 years.
研究の現場を感じるFeel the real scenes of the research
How did the core team leaders change? Witness the scenes from “Work to Feel the Circulation of Satoyama and Satoumi” and “Work to Open the Five Senses,” which triggered their transformation and changed the relationship between island residents who had been distant from each other.
Feature articles on our research
「あーちゃん、これは山が動くばい」 “Ai-chan, that would make a mountain move!”
“Future beyond expectations” realized in three years by Co-cree! among parents’ generation, Youth Department, diverse business sectors & local community, urban areas(Kurokawa Onsen, Minamioguni Town, Aso Country, Kumamoto Pref.)

想い / Intention
Creating a space where the people of Minamioguni contemplate the community with ownership
Kurokawa Onsen (Hot Springs) in Minamioguni Town, Kumamoto Prefecture, is now one of Japan’s most renowned hot spring towns. However, the town was so unknown that until 2000, the name Kurokawa Onsen didn’t appear in the “Universal Map of Kumamoto Prefecture” published by a local newspaper. As a result of the united efforts of the local ryokans (traditional Japanese inns) to create a scenic landscape with the concept of “Kurokawa Onsen: One Big Ryokan,” the number of visitors staying overnight exceeded 400,000 in 2003, with the estimated number of annual tourists of 1.2 million to rise to fame. Yet, the number of overnight guests then began to decline, and around 2010, a generational divide emerged between the members of the Youth Department, who were experiencing a sense of crisis, and their parents’ generation, who had experienced great success in the past. We decided to collaborate with the Youth Department of Kurokawa Onsen to create a space where the people of Minamioguni Town could think of the entire community with a sense of ownership.

実践1 / Practice 1
Promoting co-creation among parents’ generation, Youth Department, and diverse business sectors in the community
With Yuuki Kitazato, then head of the Youth Department of Kurokawa Onsen’s Ryokan Association, we launched the “One Kurokawa Wasshoi Project,” involving stakeholders such as the Ryokan Association, the Tourism Association of Minamioguni Town, as well as farmers, town hall staff, and people from the parents’ generation, to create a space for co-creation once a month for about a year. It was an unprecedented opportunity for people from local Ryokans, stores, restaurants, farmers, and the town hall staff to come together and discuss the community’s future on an equal footing. The Co-cree! gatherings became a space where diverse and fresh opinions and ideas were shared, and everyone came to understand each other more profoundly. The parents’ generation, who at first were wary of being tricked by business people from a big company in Tokyo, began to trust the youth generation.

実践2 / Practice 2
Creating external “Visiting Citizens” to provide new stimuli to the town
We held sessions of the One Kurokawa Wasshoi Project in Fukuoka and Shibuya, Tokyo, and invited guests outside the hot springs town to generate interactions. As a result, people living in the metropolitan areas became so-called “Visiting Citizens” of Kurokawa Onsen, visiting the hot springs, helping out at Ryokans and other businesses, and participating in local events. Through interacting with the Visiting Citizens, the people of Minamioguni Town learned that those outside the community sought an equal relationship with the locals rather than just being received with hospitality. They have brought new stimulation and a sense of value to the town.
結果 / Result
Generational shift progressed at once, and the number of visitors recovered rapidly. New mayor born within peers

“いち黒川”わっしょいプロジェクト終了後、黒川温泉では世代交代が一挙に進み、北里有紀さんは史上最年少かつ初の⼥性組合⻑となりました。プロジェクト発の企画も次々に行われ、たとえば都市クリエイターたちと共創した映像・Web作品「KUROKAWA WONDERLAND」は世界で15個以上のアワードを受賞しました。北里さんたちは異業種(旅館、役場、農家、蕎⻨屋、議員、製材所、福祉、IT)メンバーでまちづくりNPOを設⽴し、さまざまな活動を展開しました。黒川温泉の来訪者数も2012年から3年連続で増加に転じ、V字回復しました。さらに2015年には、NPOメンバーの1人だった髙橋周二さんが新町長になったのです。たった3年で、予想だにしない未来が起こりました。
After completing the One Kurokawa Wasshoi Project, a generational shift occurred rapidly at Kurokawa Onsen, with Yuuki Kitazato becoming the Ryokan Association’s youngest and first female head. Numerous initiatives were launched thanks to the project, including “KUROKAWA WONDERLAND,” a video and web-based piece created in collaboration with artists from urban areas, which received more than 15 awards worldwide. Kitazato and her team established a community development non-profit organization with members from different industries (Ryokans, town hall, farmers, Soba (buckwheat noodle) shops, council members, lumber mills, welfare, and IT) to organize a variety of activities. Visitors to Kurokawa Onsen increased for three consecutive years since 2012, marking a V-shaped recovery. Furthermore, Shuji Takahashi, one of the non-profit’s members, became the town’s new mayor in 2015. In just three years, a future beyond our expectations emerged.
研究の現場を感じるFeel the real scenes of the research
Digest of the Kurokawa Wasshoi Project changed how Kurokawa people looked at life. Scenes from the monthly Co-cree! sessions that lasted for about a year, where relationships across different generations and industries were built by the initiative of the Youth Department, events with Visiting Citizens, and more.
Feature articles on our research
官僚と農家が焚き火を囲むように語りあい共創する Government Officials and Farmers Talk and Co-create as if Sitting around a Campfire
Co-creation platform across Japan, bringing together 300 key players from diverse backgrounds, including government officials, farmers, business owners, professors, artists, community leaders, mayors, and more(Tokyo, Nishiawakura Village, Kyoto City, Ama Town, Shintomi Town, etc. 2015-2018)

想い / Intention
Having a field of experiments for self and systems transformations to which people in 100 years would say, “That was where history began to change”
私たちは2015年頃から、ごろっと時代が変わるような地域・社会のシステム変容を起こすことを目指して活動してきました。その中心にあったのが、「コクリ!キャンプ」です。コクリ!キャンプは、100年後に「ここから歴史が変わった」と言われるような自己変容とシステム変容の実験場です。官僚、農家、経営者、教授、クリエイター、地域リーダー、首長などの多様なキープレイヤー約300人が集まって、まだ言葉にできない「時代のうねり」や「未来の兆し(=Generative Intention)」を探り、言語化・具現化していきました。コクリ!キャンプは東京を中心に、岡山県西粟倉村、富山県氷見市、京都府京都市、島根県海士町、宮崎県新富町などで全国のコクリ!メンバーと共に開催しました。
Since 2015, we have been working to bring a radical systemic transformation to communities and society. The “Co-cree! Camp” was at the core of our activities. The Co-cree! Camp is a field of experiment for self-transformation and systemic transformation, to which people would say, “That was where history began to change” in 100 years’ time. Roughly 300 diverse key players, including government officials, farmers, business owners, professors, artists, community leaders, and mayors, got together to explore, verbalize, and materialize the swell of time and signs of the future (Generative Intention) that cannot yet be put into words. The Camps were held primarily in Tokyo, as well as in Nishiawakura Village, Okayama Pref., Himi City, Toyama Pref., Kyoto City, Kyoto Pref., Ama Town, Shimane Pref., and Shintomi Town, Miyazaki Pref. with Co-cree! Members from all over Japan.

実践1 / Practice 1
To “connect with your roots” & “to connect with others through roots” to hold dialogue with no set themes
The uniqueness of the Co-cree! Camp is that it has either a specific set of topics or a premeditated agenda. No particular issues or themes were prepared in advance. Instead, we emphasized connecting with one’s roots and peers at the profound, common root level. We also encouraged participants to take the initiative by engaging in dialogue with others. Participants were then able to feel the earth’s wishes and pains, and what needed to be said was said, generating further ideas that led to systemic transformation. As symbolized by the combination of government officials and farmers, around 300 people across industries and generations resembling microcosmos of society spoke as if they were sitting around a campfire, putting aside their titles and firmly trusting each other. Countless ideas for transformation emerged from the Camp. Witnessing the quality of the space, Haruo Miyagi, the founder of ETIC, said: “Co-cree! is studying the science of a miracle.”

実践2 / Practice 2
Strengthening research on co-creation to develop wisdom for self and systems transformation
私たちはコクリ!キャンプを実施しながら、一方でコ・クリエーション手法の研究を深めていきました。研究チームを強化して、合宿形式でコ・クリエーションの3つの壁「あやしい・時間がかかる・一時カオスが起こる」を乗り越える手法の開発にチャレンジしたのです。私たちの「GIプロセス」(step1:未分化 step2:GI step3:クリエーション)は、この研究開発の取り組みから生まれ、コクリ!キャンプで実践的に磨いてきた自己変容とシステム変容の手法です
While implementing the Co-cree! Camps, we also pursued our research on co-creation methods. We reinforced our research team and challenged ourselves to develop a method to overcome the three barriers to co-creation: looking suspicious, being time-consuming, and temporary occurrence of chaos, in several retreats. Our “GI Process” (Step 1: Undifferentiation, Step 2: Generative Intention, Step 3: Creation) is a self and systems transformation method that emerged from our research and has been refined through practice at the Camps. We could turn what had been a hypothesis into wisdom that could be applied across regions and borders.
結果 / Result
The wishes of individuals have resonated with the wishes of the earth, and a series of initiatives emerged that can serve as levers for social transformation

The latent wishes of the participants, combined with the wishes and pains of the earth, sprouted in the soil of Co-cree! to discover friends and be materialized. For example, Kazuto Ataka, a professor at the Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus, who is renowned for his books “Start with Issues” (Eiji Press) and “Shin Nihon” (NewsPicks Publishing), launched the “Valley of the Wind” project. Prof. Ataka is now working to realize a more humane life with nature while using the power of technology to its fullest. (Prof. Ataka felt angry towards the future where only big cities existed at the Co-cree! Camp at Kencho-ji temple in Kamakura, and received such inspiration that equaled being struck by lightning. Click here to see the process showing the very spirit of Co-cree! here.
Hiroshi Abe, a resident of Ama Town, a remote island in Shimane Prefecture, aimed to make Ama Town a place to learn. Abe and Eiji Harada, the owner of Eiji Press in Ebisu, Tokyo, established a new publishing company called “Ama no Kaze (Winds of Ama)” to disseminate information from the island. Harada, who learned the importance of listening to the voice of the body through bodywork at a Co-cree! Camp, decided to move to the island with his family for a year and a half to take on the challenge of managing a company from there. The first book published by Ama no Kaze was “Evolutionary Thinking,” the life work of Eisuke Tachikawa, a fellow member of Co-cree! and a world-renowned designer. Inspired by biological evolution, the book systematized innovation and became a bestseller, winning the Shichihei Yamamoto Prize and being published in various countries around the world. As can be seen in these examples, the Co-cree! Camp served as a ground where key players in Japan launched a series of initiatives to work as levers for social transformation.
研究の現場を感じるFeel the real scenes of the research
A real-life documentary of the transformation of Eiji Harada, the owner of Eiji Press. After experiencing a self-transformation through listening to the voice of his body at a Co-cree! session, he moved his base of living and working to Ama Town for a year and a half to bring change to the company and the town.
Feature articles on our research
市民が自走的に運営するコクリ! Co-cree! Organized independently by Local Residents
Nara Co-cree! for local citizens to learn the methodologies to create an ecosystem of co-creation and build a community in a self-driven manner(Nara City, Nara Pref.: 2023-)

想い / Intention
Supporting to bring an awareness transformation by involving Nara citizens to create a sustainable and attractive community
Nara City, Nara Pref. is one of Japan’s leading cities for international cultural tourism. However, the time tourists spend there is short, and the region’s tourism industry needs to expand its business by adding value while harnessing the city’s advantages. Nara City is also a “bedroom community” located near major cities and has one of the country’s highest rates of out-of-prefecture employment. This results in a labor shortage for local industries, non-profits, and other community organizations. For Nara City to become a sustainable and attractive community, involving its citizens and transforming their awareness is essential. Thus, we have begun to support the initiative to develop a community where each individual takes action to realize a rich and sustainable lifestyle unique to Nara.

実践1 / Practice 1
Holding “Nara Co-cree! Camp” since 2023, where almost all the participants are new
Since 2023, we have been organizing “Nara Co-cree! Camp” with Mr. Akira Nakajima from TOMOSU, and others who have been working toward realizing a circular and ecological community to create an ecosystem of co-creation. The members of the Camp come from Nara City Hall, local businesses, non-profits, and community organizations. To keep the initial spark alive, we have created “Nara Co-cree! Lounge,” a gathering where progress can be shared in a relaxed atmosphere to inspire each other. The unique fact about the Nara Co-cree! Camp is that, except for Mr. Nakajima and the core team members, almost no one has ever experienced a Co-cree! session before. If this challenge works well, the Co-cree! method could be extended to other communities and organizations, even without experts.

実践2 / Practice 2
Teaching the core team members the methodologies to build a co-creation ecosystem and constructing a system that allows people to work in a self-driven manner
Rather than just holding the Co-cree! Camps, we are starting an initiative to teach the methodologies to build a co-creation ecosystem to the local people in Nara, especially the core team members. We would like Nara citizens to be able to run Co-cree! sessions on their own in the near future. We have developed a new co-creation method called “Space-Time Extended Dialogue – 4rooms,” which is easy to implement even for non-specialists. We have also asked the core team to set up a sacred place, a unique venue in Nara that is suitable for dialogue so that members can train and practice intensively in creating and holding space. With special permission, members have rented Kangakuin at Todaiji Temple, a venue not usually rented to outsiders, to hold a Co-Cree! Camp under the watchful eye of a 400-year-old statue of Dainichi Nyorai Buddha. With creative ideas such as placing art objects and reciting poetry, the members are succeeding in setting up their unique sacred place.
結果 / Result
“I had never thought I would start using a word like “adventure.” I had never imagined that I and people around me could change in just one day.”

“Nara Co-cree!” is an ongoing project, and a clear result is yet to be seen. The core members have already learned the wisdom of Co-cree!, and brought together about 40 key people in their 20s to 70s from various fields in Nara, including representatives from the Ministry of the Environment, finance sector, city council, and local business. By holding Co-cree! Camps and creating a community for activities, self-transformation, and the transformation of relationships are already taking place. Comments such as “I had never thought I would start using words like “adventure,” I had never imagined that I and people around me could change in just one day,” and “I hate to show myself crying as a middle-aged man, but the experience shook me hard and touched my soul,” “I have never been open to others and show your true self like this,” confirm their transformation. The members have begun to act independently to launch projects such as creating a business and organization to protect the primeval forest of Mt. Kasuga and the “Community Compost” project.
In addition to the Nara Co-cree! Camp, where the soil is created, and seeds are born, Nara Co-cree! Lounge sessions are held regularly at members’ initiative to nurture the initial sparks into concrete activities and projects. We will continue to cultivate the soil of the Nara Co-cree! ecosystem where co-creation can emerge without needing an external facilitator for citizens to take action in a self-driven fashion.
研究の現場を感じるFeel the real scenes of the research
Digest of “Nara Co-cree!” held before the over 400-year-old Dainichi Nyorai Buddha statue. Participants’ comments, such as “It was a place to think meticulously and generate something by accident,” and scenes from the “Space-time expansion dialogues – 4rooms,” are featured. Feel the freshly born Co-cree! led by local residents of the community.
Stories of Co-cree!’s Challenges and Struggles in Case Studies
主な登場人物(肩書きは当時) 三田愛|コクリ!創始者、嘉村賢州|NPO法人場とつながりラボhome’s vi代表理事、大宮透|小布施 主任研究員、太田直樹|総務大臣補佐官、原田英治|英治出版株式会社 代表取締役

Featured Individuals (titles from the time of appearance) Ai Sanda, Founder of Co-cree! Kenshu Kamura, CEO, NPO Home’s vi, Toru Omiya, Chief Researcher, Obuse Town Naoki Ota, Special Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Eiiji Harada, Founder & CEO, Eiji Press, inc.

Ikebana Artist (Organizer, IKERU)/Visiting Editor, DIAMOND Harvard Business Review
マッキンゼー・アンド・カンパニー、東京大学助手を経て、2006年より2016年まで、ハーバード・ビジネス・スクール日本リサーチセンター勤務。現在華道家としていけばなの叡智を社会につなげながら、株式会社良品計画など3社の社外取締役を務める。東京大学経済学部 、ジョージタウン大学国際関係大学院卒業。
After working at McKinsey & Company and as an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo, Yamazaki worked at the Harvard Business School Japan Research Center from 2006 to 2016. Currently, she serves as an outside director of three companies, including Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd., to extend the wisdom of Ikebana to society as an Ikebana artist.
Yamazaki received her B.A. in Economics from the University of Tokyo and holds an M.A. in International Relations from Georgetown University.
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