Wisdom of Co-cree!

Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities
Co-cree! has conducted numerous field tests since 2011 and published a collection of wisdom on what it takes to create an ecosystem that generates co-creation, including the process, action guidelines, and workshop techniques. Please feel free to use them as references if you would like to try Co-cree! in your own city, organization, or community.
Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities
GI is:
English is below English is below English is below

説明が入ります。文字量が 1ブロック 240w

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the

3steps of GI process

STEP1 未分化 / Undifferentiated

「波」というのは、時代を変えるようなイノベーションや画期的な動きのことです。例えばいまなら、AirbnbやUber、あるいは自動運転車やGoogle Homeなどが目立つ波と言えるでしょう。職場にはテレワーク、社内託児施設といった波が立っていますし、社会にはこども食堂、イクメンなどの波が見えます。私たちは、AirbnbやUberなどの波が大きくなる前から、何かを共有することで、共有した人々が互いに幸せになる経済を求めるうねりがあったと考えています。そもそもGIがあって、そのGIにいち早く反応した方々がAirbnbやUberといった「プロトタイプ」のビジネスを
Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the


Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature,

STEP3 クリエーション / Creation

GI3角形について説明する。「波」というのは、時代を変えるようなイノベーションや画期的な動きのことです。例えばいまなら、AirbnbやUber、あるいは自動運転車やGoogle Homeなどが目立つ波と言えるでしょう。職場にはテレワーク、社内託児施設といった波が立っていますし、社会にはこども食堂、イクメンなどの波が見えます。私たちは、AirbnbやUberなどの波が大きくなる前から、何かを共有することで、共有した人々が互いに幸せになる経済を求めるうねりがあったと考えています。そもそもGIがあって、そのGIにいち早く反応した方々がAirbnbやUberといった「プロトタイプ」のビジネスを
Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation

GIキーワードリスト /
GI Keywords List



Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift

Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the
Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the


  • 一. 自分の「根っこ」とつながる
  • 二. 恐れを超えて、未知に踏み出そう
  • 三. 仲間と「根っこ」でつながる
  • 四. 「身体の声」は可能性の扉
  • 五. 自分を巡る大きな環に想いを馳せよう
  • 六. 集合的無意識のなかに、次の時代のうねりがある
  • 七. 信じる世界を、体現しよう
  1. Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities
  2. Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities
  3. Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities
  4. Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities
  5. Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities
  6. Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities
1.Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation.

Question is here?

2.Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation.

Question is here?

3.Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation.

Question is here?

4.Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation.

Question is here?

5.Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation.

Question is here?

6.Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation.

Question is here?

7.Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation.

Question is here?

Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

English ver.
世界にはコ・クリエーションを研究する上で活用できる「12の智慧」があり、「3つの流れ」に分類でき、過去バラバラだったその流れは現在影響を与え合い、新しい未来を生み出す手法につながっている。 そして、これらを自分たちの言葉で編集・体系化した映像を「コクリ!系統樹」として発表。
Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift

流れ① 自己変容
English is below

智慧 1 / Pillars 1
Believe in Your Onw Gift
智慧 2 / Pillars 2
Lead the self
智慧 3 / Pillars 3
Inner universe
智慧 4 / Pillars 4

流れ② システム/全体
English is below

智慧 5 / Pillars 5
System thinking
智慧 6 / Pillars 6
智慧 7 / Pillars 7
Break the box
智慧 8 / Pillars 8
System Sensing

流れ③ クリエーション
English is below

智慧 9 / Pillars 9
智慧 10 / Pillars 10
Do the right thing
智慧 11 / Pillars 11
Big idea
智慧 12 / Pillars 12
Don’t think, feel.


ダミーです。150ワードくらい。特別ページで、それぞれの智慧をより深く知るためのキーワードや本などを紹介しています・・・ 下記に例を紹介します。ぜひご覧ください。特別ページで、それぞれの智慧をより深く知るためのキーワードや本などを紹介しています・・・ 下記に例を紹介します。ぜひご覧ください。
Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator
例:智慧 2 / Pillars 2 の場合
「周りを変える」から「私が変わる」 / Lead the self





インサイド・アウト、ワーナー・エアハード、Being、NVC、内観、ミルトン・エリクソン、認知心理学、オープンダイアローグ、ジェレミー・ハンター、Authentic Leadership in Action (ALIA)


『完訳 7つの習慣 人格主義の回復』スティーブン・R・コヴィー(キングベアー出版)
『NVC 人と人との関係にいのちを吹き込む法 新版』マーシャル・B・ローゼンバーグ(日本経済新聞出版社)


Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research. Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift


English is below English is below?


Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word, Key word,

Books ………

“English title English title English title English title English title” Author Name(Publisher)
“English title English title English title English title English title” Author Name(Publisher)
“English title English title English title English title English title” Author Name(Publisher)

Read in English

Co-cree! for you: techniques developed in over 10 years of research activities

10年目のタイミングで、時代の重要な分岐点の今こそ、コ・クリエーションの智慧を日本中、世界中の人たちと分かち合いたく、コ・クリエーションがたくさん起こる世の中になることを願い、生まれた物語と智慧をぎゅっとまとめた「コクリ!百色絵巻」をつくりました。 あなたの大切な仲間と一緒に読んでいただけたら嬉しいです。
Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift

Quick Preview of Hundred-Color Picture Scroll

The Principles of Co-creation


To connect with your roots (your underlying wishes at the deepest level), and to connect with others through common roots.” These are our fundamental premise and guiding principles to realize co-creation. We’ve been cherishing these principles ever since starting our activities 10 years ago.

Wisdom from Research on Co-creation:What Makes a Community or Society Drastically Change?


To change our future in 100 years, we have been conducting field tests all over Japan with our 300 members, to realize co-creation. The conditions and processes that bring about collective inspiration, discovered through our 10 years of research and development, are creatively described with illustrations and charts.

Three Case Examples: Changes to Individuals, Community, and Society


1) Naoki Ota, former advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, experienced self-transformation and now strives for social transformation while overcoming obstacles.
2) The story of “moving the mountain” in Kurokawa Onsen, Minamioguni, Kumamoto: Co-cree!’s starting point.
3) Hosting spaces to enable co-creation and a future beyond expectations in Ama Town, Shimane.

Members Who Have Studied Co-creation Together


Our members come from many backgrounds. From mayors, university professors, corporate managers, governmental officials, farmers, social entrepreneurs, leaders of non-profit organizations, to artists all over Japan. Our research community of 300 people is a microcosm of society to explore the conditions and process of co-creation.

Three Principles to Create Fertile Soil for Co-creation


What we especially value is the creation of fertile soil. Co-cree! has adopted the concepts of natural farming to community building. Just as crops will grow by themselves when an optimum environment for vegetation is nurtured, we believe the same is true for co-creation. Here are some examples of “future beyond expectations” that emerged for the members of Co-cree!.

The Co-cree! Genealogical Tree: Classification of Pieces of Wisdom on Co-creation from around the World into 12 Pillars


We have compiled and classified techniques and concepts for co-creation from different parts of the world, which were initially separated in the past, into 3 streams and 12 pillars. The video called “Co-cree! Genealogical Tree” contains the summary of these achievements.

Story and Wisdom of Co-cree!
at Anytime
Co-cree! Hundred-Color
Picture Scroll e-version

Co-cree! Method


The Co-cree! method, developed through over 10 years of research activities, is available to you.

Co-Creation! Project has conducted a number of demonstrations and experiments since 2011, and has compiled and presented the wisdom of what is needed to create an ecosystem that generates co-creation, including processes, workshop methods, and action guidelines. If you would like to try co-creation in your own community or organization, we would love to hear from you! in your own community or organization, we hope you will find this information useful.

時空間拡大プログラム 4rooms
Time/Space Expansion Program 4rooms

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 200wくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず
自分の内側に視点を広げた 地球の外自分の未来、なな世代未来の人からの問い今まで見えてこなかったところに誘ってくれるカードだから、自発性がある下手なファシリだと誘導されてる感

2週 1週はライト、2順目はディープ

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Co-Creation! Project has conducted a number of demonstrations and experiments since 2011, and has compiled and presented the wisdom of what is needed to create an ecosystem that generates co-creation, including processes, workshop methods, and action guidelines.

If you would like to try co-creation in your own community or organization, we would love to hear from you! in your own community or organization, we hope you will find this information useful.

Point1 English is below

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

Point2 English is below

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

Point3 English is below

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

The Council of All Beings
Work to remember our connection with the earth – Learned from Joanna Macy

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 200wくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず
自分の内側に視点を広げた 地球の外自分の未来、なな世代未来の人からの問い今まで見えてこなかったところに誘ってくれるカードだから、自発性がある下手なファシリだと誘導されてる感

2週 1週はライト、2順目はディープ

Earth Co-Creation! is a research community that promotes a shift from “human-centered” to “earth-centered” through “co-creation. We are conducting research on the co-creation of the entire global ecosystem (Earth Co-Creation!), aiming to create a beautiful global society where humans, plants, animals, minerals, nature, and the Co-Creation! Project has conducted a number of demonstrations and experiments since 2011, and has compiled and presented the wisdom of what is needed to create an ecosystem that generates co-creation, including processes, workshop methods, and action guidelines.

If you would like to try co-creation in your own community or organization, we would love to hear from you! in your own community or organization, we hope you will find this information useful.

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator

ダミーです。背景・説明を軽くする 150ワードくらい。ファシリテーターのコクリの知恵が広がって行けばいいな。プロファシリテーターじゃなくても、GIにアクセスすることができないか?そのためには、空間づくり、場所の力(環境の力)を変えることで視点を変える良い問いがそこにあれば、ファシリテーターいらず

Dummy. Lighten the background/explanation. 150 words or so. I hope to spread the wisdom of the facilitator’s cokri. Can we access GI without being a professional facilitator? To do so, if there are good questions out there that change perspectives by creating space and changing the power of place (power of environment), you don’t need a facilitator