About Earth Co-cree!

Community for Earth-centered Research on Co-creation with the Entire Ecosystem
Earth Co-cree! explores how to create a society where humans can co-create with other life forms such as plants, animals, minerals, nature, the earth, and others. We live in a human-centered society, where humans unconsciously harm, consume, and exploit other living matters. The lives of humans and other matters were divided, and thus social issues were caused globally, including climate change. We want to create an earth-centered society by re-membering the connection between humans and the earth’s entire ecosystem, where all lives are cherished, in harmony, and co-create with each other.
If humans alter our consciousness, a great shift can happen. A beautiful earth can emerge if we remember that we are also friends with other living things, listen to their voices, connect with our underlying wishes, and express our innate imagination and creativity.
We want to create a swell of time to which people in 100 years will say, “This is when history began to change.” Earth Co-cree! aims to co-create with the entire ecosystem of the earth and conduct field tests with friends from around the world, with connections that transcend time and space, such as the wisdom of indigenous people, the wisdom of nature and forests, spirituality, art, and prayer.

What is Co-Creation?

What is Collaboration?


ー 計画的アプローチ ー

Systematic approach to working together by combining existing resources with an agreed purpose
→ 予想したゴールに到達できる
Expected goal can be reached
What is Co-creation?

大きな方向性はあるが 正解がないなかで

ー 生成的アプローチ ー

Generative approach where values are created collectively without fixed answers through trial and error with a sense of general direction
→ 予想だにしなかった
Unexpected, new future emerges
Co-creation and collaboration may sound similar, but they are quite different. Collaboration refers to the approach of working together while combining existing resources with an agreed-upon purpose, which the KPIs, Milestones, etc can systematically monitor. Co-creation begins without having the right answer or the right way to go but with an image of “how we want to be,” which can be as far away as the polar star. In co-creation, diverse peers connect in the depths of the roots and create together generatively and collectively through trial and error, only to look back and realize that an unexpected new future has emerged. Some say that Co-cree! studies the science of a miracle. Co-creation occurs when every matter is cherished and resonates with the wishes of the present time. We are studying the conditions and the process by which such a miraculous co-creation can occur out of necessity, not chance.
The difference between co-creation and collaboration
“Both co-creation and collaboration are essential.”
ボブ・スティルガー氏 /
Dr. Bob Stilger
ニュー・ストーリーズ共同代表、社会変革ファシリテーター / Co-President, New Stories. Facilitator of Social Innovations

What We Value

Connecting with oneself, with peers, with the earth in the depths of the roots
You live with your social position and your roles in everyday life. But energy begins to flow from within when you connect with the “root” – something deep within you that makes you feel what you were born to do. This energy from within is so pure that it can be transmitted to others around you. You can then connect with others by having a conversation about your pains and desires rather than just speaking from your titles and roles. When you are in a relationship where you can no longer separate others from yourself, this is where an even deeper journey of exploration begins: Listening to the desires and pains of the earth. Some say that the subject is unclear in Japanese grammar. The concept ingrained in our culture, that relationships take precedence over individuals, may be relevant worldwide. The Japanese believe that there are “eight million gods”; a god is present in all natural things, such as in mountains, trees, rocks, winds, animals, and grains of rice. Co-cree! looks for ways to explore issues by being in one with different life forms rather than focusing on solving problems by objectively analyzing them.
地球の願いや痛みを感じ 集合的ひらめきを起こす
Feeling the wishes and pains of the earth to bring collective inspiration
痛みは、社会をごろっと変えうる大切な要素。そこに未来へのヒントがある。痛みを直視し、その奥にある願いにつながる。多様な人たちが自分のエゴを手放し知恵をだしあったとき、私たちは、より深い部分でつながりあい、集合的無意識にアクセスできると考えています。その中から生まれる「集合的なひらめき」をつかみとり、素早くプロトタイプをつくり、応援しあうことで形にしていきます。このようなプロセスを私たちは、GI(Generative Intention)プロセスと呼んでいます。
What we value is not symptom therapy, such as problem-solving or short-term innovation. Co-cree! aims to take a step toward a long-term great shift filled with hope. We aim to create a condition in which the wishes of the earth will flow out through individuals. We feel the pain of communities and society, as well as the signs of the future, with our whole body. Pain is an important element in drastically changing society and where the hint for the future lies. We see the pain directly and connect with the desires behind it. When people from different backgrounds let go of their egos and combine their wisdom, they can connect in a deeper place and gain access to the collective unconscious. The collective inspiration is captured; a prototype quickly emerges as we cheer each other on. At Co-cree!, we call this process the GI (Generative Intention) Process.
世代、業種を越えた 多種多様な仲間との実証実験
Field tests with like-minded peers across generations and industries
With our determination to change society rather than just advocating a research theory, we value involving the people who are in the “pressure points” of the social structure. When peers from diverse backgrounds who make up society, such as government officials, farmers, business owners, professors, artists, and mayors, come together with us to engage in deep dialogue, putting aside their titles, the individual transformation of these critical people is encouraged. This leads to the formation of relationships and the ecosystem to drastically change society. By taking advantage of the fact that this research project originated in a business organization, we were able to conduct field tests with our original emergent system to incorporate the latest findings from around the world, setting us apart from grass-roots activities and business initiatives aimed at quick returns. Our research has been named as “extremely unique in the world.”*
*Inoue, Hideaki. “Practical Theory of Collective Impact” DIAMOND Harvard Business Review. February issue, 2019.

Symbol of Co-cree!

Calligraphy Artwork for Co-cree! “Love”

Symbol of Co-cree!

背景には虹が描かれ、その上に銀色で、日本の古代文字「豊国文字」(神代文字の一つ)で地球コクリ!のメッセージが、一文字一文字祈りと共に丁寧に書かれており、光の加減により浮かび上がる。 神が宿っているような佇まいで、私たちを見守ってくれる存在。

The monumental calligraphy “Earth Co-cree!” was written by Saiso Shimada, a calligrapher active both in and outside Japan. The large letter signifies the symbol of Earth Co-cree!: love. A rainbow is painted on the background, on which keywords for Earth Co-cree! are carefully written in silver with prayers in the ancient Japanese character Toyokuni Moji (one of the Jindai Moji, or “God Age Script”): the letters reveal themselves in the changing light. The masterpiece has a presence as if it watches over us with gods dwelling within.


Toyokuni Moji (characters believed to be used in ancient Japan) is the message of Earth Co-cree! (Research on co-creation with the entire ecosystem of the earth)
-May the world be a place where all life is cherished and be in harmony to co-create with each other
-May every human being remember that they are connected to themselves, to their peers, and to the earth through the common roots to be at their best
Other key letters written: joy, curiosity, sensitivity, diversity, hope, possibility, passion, challenge, safety, suppleness, trust, connection, deep listening, resonance, belief, wish, peace, opening, trying, respect, beauty, purity, shine, and root

地球コクリ!の書「愛」/ “Love” Calligraphy Work for Earth Co-cree! by Master Saiso Shimada

軸装全体で2メートルを越す存在感がある本作品は、近づいて鑑賞すると古代文字の豊国文字で一筆一筆祈りを込めて繊細に書かれたメッセージが光の加減で浮かび上がる、唯一無二の作品。 この深く繊細で大きなエネルギーをみなさんとわかちあいたく映像を制作しました。愛を受け取って頂けたら嬉しいです。

The artwork with presence, which exceeds two meters in height with the scroll mounting, is truly unique. Each letter contains a message and is written with a prayer; the words in Toyokuni Moji only reveal themselves upon closer examination, depending on the light. We made a video to share its deep, subtle, and great energy. We would be happy if you could receive love.

書道家 嶋田彩綜先生 Calligrapher Saiso Shimada

武蔵野陵 (昭和天皇)制札板揮毫。フランス・ドイツ・ギリシャ・ベルギーなど国内外で個展開催。伊勢神宮内宮・西養寺・車山神社・日本三大弁財天江島神社などへ奉納。東日本大震災チャリティーイベントを国内外で実施。ダンスや音楽、詩とコラボするモダンアーティストでもあり、地球の平和と人類の幸せを願い、祈りの書を書き続ける書道家

President, Hakusuikai Calligraphy Association / Judge, Mainichi Calligraphy Exhibition / Board Member, Ichikawa City Art Association/
Shimada received the honor of writing the signboard of the Musashino Ryo, Emperor Showa’s imperial graveyard, and has held solo exhibitions in countries including France, Germany, Greece, Belgium, and Japan. Her artwork has been offered to the Inner Shrine of the Ise Shrine, Saiyo Temple, Kurumayama Shrine, and Enoshima Shrine – one of Japan’s three major Benzaiten (Saraswati) shrines. Shimada also hosted charity events after the Great East Japan Earthquake in and outside the country; the modern artist works together with dancers, musicians, and poets to create calligraphy artwork of prayer for peace on earth and happiness for humanity.
Work collected by: The Palace Museum (Beijing) / The British Library / Turkish-Japanese Foundation Culture Center (Turkey) / German Goodwill Association / National Art Museum of Ukraine / Lianyungang Museum

The path we have walked through.

“How can we drastically change
communities and societies?”
We are in transition now. That is why we want to do a social experiment in structural system change that people will say in 100 years: “That changed history,” rather than making innovation for the next five or ten years. What are the “pressure points” or leverage points to change communities and society as a whole? Co-cree! started research in 2011 with several communities in Japan as its demonstration fields, then developed into a country-wide co-creation community in 2015 and evolved into co-creation research with the entire ecosystem of the earth from 2020.

What is the difference between vibrant communities and those that aren’t?

Development of Community Revitalization Framework /Community Competency Assessment


Interviewed three generations of people in vibrant communities throughout Japan, covering the past 30 years of their history. Organized them utilizing intellectual capital management. Structuralized the elements and connections necessary for a vibrant community.

How can we transform communities to go on to a new stage?
Overcoming past troubles in human relationships and successful experiences.

Community Co-Creation


Conducted empirical studies in creating a future with ownership of the whole community by connecting people across generations, professions, and industries through common roots in multiple communities (Minamioguni & Kamiamakusa, Kumamoto; Arida, Wakayama, etc.).

How can we shift communities to an ecosystem of continuous innovation?

Community Co-cree! Lab


A learning community to bring about community innovation. 13 communities from all over Japan got together with at least 3 members with diverse backgrounds to develop the spirit of innovation.

Research materials (mostly in Japanese)
研究映像 Video Archive
Community co-creation research in the age of population decline: innovating administration & communities with own hands
Research on the new shape of administration/community (Arida City, Wakayama Pref.) Research on new business creation within a community (Minamioguni Town, Kumamoto Pref.) Co-cree! Lab (Community Co-Creation Lab)

都市・企業・国・地域etc 無意識にある構造上の分断をこえるには?
How can we go beyond the unconsciously existing structural divisions among cities, enterprises, countries & communities, etc.?

Co-cree! Camp


A research community in which 300 people from diverse backgrounds, including community innovators, mayors, corporate managers, government officials, farmers, artists, professors, and social entrepreneurs, are connected through their true selves without the constraints of positions and titles.

Research materials (mostly in Japanese)
研究映像 Video Archive
Highlights of the Co-cree! Camp #1
Co-cree! Project 2016: the relationship of co-creation spreading all over Japan

How can we realize a collective self-transformation to co-create the swell of change for the upcoming era?

Co-cree! 2.0


Developed a method to generate a collective inspiration by unleashing creativity from the subconscious by connecting to the pains and wishes of the system and the collective unconsciousness.

Research materials (mostly in Japanese)
研究映像 Video Archive
コクリ!2.0 ”ねばならぬ” から ”しなやかな” 変容
Co-cree! 2.0: from “must” to “supple” transformation
コクリ!ストーリー2018 ー自己変容から広がる可能性ー
Co-cree! Story 2018: possibilities opening up through self-transformation
Co-cree! Dendrogram
3 streams & 12 pillars of wisdom to co-create a future beyond expectations

現在は 地球生態系全体のコ・クリエーションへと研究のスコープを拡大・進化しました。

We spent the first ten years studying co-creation among people from diverse backgrounds, and now the scope of our research has expanded and evolved to study co-creation with the entire ecosystem of the earth.
The “pressure point” to shift from a human-centered society to an Earth-centered society would be triggered when our innate imagination and creativity are expressed by changing our perspectives and consciousness as human beings.

How can we humans co-create with all living organisms on Earth?

Earth Co-cree!


Changed the perspective to transform our consciousness to go beyond the division between nature and humans, and to remember that humans were Earth’s friend.
Developed a method to listen to the voice of Earth by opening up the five senses and sensitivity.

“Co-cree! Stories” of Leaders & Researchers from Various Fields
(Available in Japanese)

We must regard intellectualism and anti-intellectualism as having the same root
ドミニク・チェンさん / Dominique Chen
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AI predicts decentralization is the key to a sustainable and happy society
広井良典さん×日立京大ラボ / Yoshinori Hiroi
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Co-Cree! is important for reflection and finding the core of one’s unique vision
入山章栄さん / Akie Iriyama
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Before we know it, Co-cree! will be the norm in society
宮城治男さん / Haruo Miyagi
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Aim for “iki (chic, stylish)” to break the spell of development
黒﨑輝男さん / Teruo Kurosaki
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Expanding one’s mental model through dialogue
小田理一郎さん / Riichiro Oda
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Story and Wisdom of Co-cree!
at Anytime
Co-cree! Hundred-Color
Picture Scroll e-version