About Earth Co-cree!
If humans alter our consciousness, a great shift can happen. A beautiful earth can emerge if we remember that we are also friends with other living things, listen to their voices, connect with our underlying wishes, and express our innate imagination and creativity.
We want to create a swell of time to which people in 100 years will say, “This is when history began to change.” Earth Co-cree! aims to co-create with the entire ecosystem of the earth and conduct field tests with friends from around the world, with connections that transcend time and space, such as the wisdom of indigenous people, the wisdom of nature and forests, spirituality, art, and prayer.

What is Co-Creation?
ー 計画的アプローチ ー
大きな方向性はあるが 正解がないなかで
ー 生成的アプローチ ー
Dr. Bob Stilger

大切にしていることWhat We Value


痛みは、社会をごろっと変えうる大切な要素。そこに未来へのヒントがある。痛みを直視し、その奥にある願いにつながる。多様な人たちが自分のエゴを手放し知恵をだしあったとき、私たちは、より深い部分でつながりあい、集合的無意識にアクセスできると考えています。その中から生まれる「集合的なひらめき」をつかみとり、素早くプロトタイプをつくり、応援しあうことで形にしていきます。このようなプロセスを私たちは、GI(Generative Intention)プロセスと呼んでいます。

シンボルの書Symbol of Co-cree!

Calligraphy Artwork for Co-cree! “Love”
シンボルの書Symbol of Co-cree!
The monumental calligraphy “Earth Co-cree!” was written by Saiso Shimada, a calligrapher active both in and outside Japan. The large letter signifies the symbol of Earth Co-cree!: love. A rainbow is painted on the background, on which keywords for Earth Co-cree! are carefully written in silver with prayers in the ancient Japanese character Toyokuni Moji (one of the Jindai Moji, or “God Age Script”): the letters reveal themselves in the changing light. The masterpiece has a presence as if it watches over us with gods dwelling within.

Toyokuni Moji (characters believed to be used in ancient Japan) is the message of Earth Co-cree! (Research on co-creation with the entire ecosystem of the earth)
-May the world be a place where all life is cherished and be in harmony to co-create with each other
-May every human being remember that they are connected to themselves, to their peers, and to the earth through the common roots to be at their best
Other key letters written: joy, curiosity, sensitivity, diversity, hope, possibility, passion, challenge, safety, suppleness, trust, connection, deep listening, resonance, belief, wish, peace, opening, trying, respect, beauty, purity, shine, and root
軸装全体で2メートルを越す存在感がある本作品は、近づいて鑑賞すると古代文字の豊国文字で一筆一筆祈りを込めて繊細に書かれたメッセージが光の加減で浮かび上がる、唯一無二の作品。 この深く繊細で大きなエネルギーをみなさんとわかちあいたく映像を制作しました。愛を受け取って頂けたら嬉しいです。
The artwork with presence, which exceeds two meters in height with the scroll mounting, is truly unique. Each letter contains a message and is written with a prayer; the words in Toyokuni Moji only reveal themselves upon closer examination, depending on the light. We made a video to share its deep, subtle, and great energy. We would be happy if you could receive love.

武蔵野陵 (昭和天皇)制札板揮毫。フランス・ドイツ・ギリシャ・ベルギーなど国内外で個展開催。伊勢神宮内宮・西養寺・車山神社・日本三大弁財天江島神社などへ奉納。東日本大震災チャリティーイベントを国内外で実施。ダンスや音楽、詩とコラボするモダンアーティストでもあり、地球の平和と人類の幸せを願い、祈りの書を書き続ける書道家
President, Hakusuikai Calligraphy Association / Judge, Mainichi Calligraphy Exhibition / Board Member, Ichikawa City Art Association/
Shimada received the honor of writing the signboard of the Musashino Ryo, Emperor Showa’s imperial graveyard, and has held solo exhibitions in countries including France, Germany, Greece, Belgium, and Japan. Her artwork has been offered to the Inner Shrine of the Ise Shrine, Saiyo Temple, Kurumayama Shrine, and Enoshima Shrine – one of Japan’s three major Benzaiten (Saraswati) shrines. Shimada also hosted charity events after the Great East Japan Earthquake in and outside the country; the modern artist works together with dancers, musicians, and poets to create calligraphy artwork of prayer for peace on earth and happiness for humanity.
Work collected by: The Palace Museum (Beijing) / The British Library / Turkish-Japanese Foundation Culture Center (Turkey) / German Goodwill Association / National Art Museum of Ukraine / Lianyungang Museum
コクリ!の歩みThe path we have walked through.
communities and societies?”
What is the difference between vibrant communities and those that aren’t?
Interviewed three generations of people in vibrant communities throughout Japan, covering the past 30 years of their history. Organized them utilizing intellectual capital management. Structuralized the elements and connections necessary for a vibrant community.

Research materials (mostly in Japanese)
How can we transform communities to go on to a new stage?
Overcoming past troubles in human relationships and successful experiences.
Overcoming past troubles in human relationships and successful experiences.
Conducted empirical studies in creating a future with ownership of the whole community by connecting people across generations, professions, and industries through common roots in multiple communities (Minamioguni & Kamiamakusa, Kumamoto; Arida, Wakayama, etc.).

Research materials (mostly in Japanese)
How can we shift communities to an ecosystem of continuous innovation?
A learning community to bring about community innovation. 13 communities from all over Japan got together with at least 3 members with diverse backgrounds to develop the spirit of innovation.

Research materials (mostly in Japanese)
都市・企業・国・地域etc 無意識にある構造上の分断をこえるには?
How can we go beyond the unconsciously existing structural divisions among cities, enterprises, countries & communities, etc.?
A research community in which 300 people from diverse backgrounds, including community innovators, mayors, corporate managers, government officials, farmers, artists, professors, and social entrepreneurs, are connected through their true selves without the constraints of positions and titles.

Research materials (mostly in Japanese)
How can we realize a collective self-transformation to co-create the swell of change for the upcoming era?
Developed a method to generate a collective inspiration by unleashing creativity from the subconscious by connecting to the pains and wishes of the system and the collective unconsciousness.

Research materials (mostly in Japanese)

現在は 地球生態系全体のコ・クリエーションへと研究のスコープを拡大・進化しました。
We spent the first ten years studying co-creation among people from diverse backgrounds, and now the scope of our research has expanded and evolved to study co-creation with the entire ecosystem of the earth.
The “pressure point” to shift from a human-centered society to an Earth-centered society would be triggered when our innate imagination and creativity are expressed by changing our perspectives and consciousness as human beings.
How can we humans co-create with all living organisms on Earth?
Changed the perspective to transform our consciousness to go beyond the division between nature and humans, and to remember that humans were Earth’s friend.
Developed a method to listen to the voice of Earth by opening up the five senses and sensitivity.

Research materials (mostly in Japanese)

「コ・クリエーションの深い話」“Co-cree! Stories” of Leaders & Researchers from Various Fields
(Available in Japanese)
(Available in Japanese)

研究メンバー・パートナーResearch Members and Partners of
Earth Co-cree!
Earth Co-cree!

書道家としても活動し、日本遺産である出羽三山神社にて書道奉納や、式典のパフォーマンス書道を行う。天と地のエネルギーを自身の体で感じ、書を通してそれらをつなぐ。神戸生まれ、慶應義塾大学卒業。米国CTI認定プロフェッショナル・コーチ(CPCC)。古流松麗会 師範(華道)。株式会社リクルートじゃらんリサーチセンター研究員 兼 サステナビリティ推進室。英治出版株式会社フェロー。
Ai Sanda is a founder and leader of Co-cree! Project and works at Recruit, Japan’s largest HR company.
As a “Co-creation” researcher/evangelist, she has worked with various government institutions and regional municipalities.
She is also a performer of Japanese traditional arts such as Japanese calligraphy and flower arrangement. After having lived in big cities for many years, Ai recently moved to a town of rice paddies called Isumi, which is close to nature.
Ai graduated from Keio University and is a CTI-certified professional coach.

Pioneer of “Reinventing Organizations.” Kenshu studies and practices the knowledge of changing conflicts and troubles that arise when people assemble into chemical reactions. A trusted research partner who has been creating Co-cree! together.

Former Japan head of CTI: the world’s largest coach-training institution. Hosts “Forest Retreats” to bring out essential realizations and insights on oneself and the original position of their business in the forest. Being like a forest, Hiroshi connects nature and economy.

Worked at Recruit Management Solutions Co., Ltd. prior to her current positions. Azumi develops educational programs and trains facilitators to create a sustainable global environment and society, designs spaces, and manages communities. Broad-minded and filled with love.

Bob studied as an exchange student at Waseda Univ. in 1970 and gained his PhD at CIIS. As a professional in hosting dialogue spaces to bring innovation to communities and organizations, Bob works in North America, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Brazil, India, and Japan, among others.

Pioneer in research of wellbeing. Maeno-san has worked at Canon Inc., as a visiting industrial fellow at the University of California, Berkeley, and as a visiting professor at Harvard University. Ph.D. (Engineering). Specializes in studies of happiness and wellbeing, wellbeing management, innovation education., etc.

1993年、学生起業家のネットワーク「ETIC.学生アントレプレナー連絡会議」を創設。2011年に世界経済フォーラム「ヤング・グローバル・リーダーズ」選出。文部科学省参与、中央教育審議会 臨時委員、内閣官房まち・ひと・しごと創生会議構成員等を歴任。
Miyagi founded a nationwide network of college student entrepreneurs in 1993. He was appointed as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2011 and has served as an advisor to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, a temporary committee member of the Central Central Council for Education, and a member of the Headquarters for Overcoming Population Decline and Vitalizing Local Economy in Japan.

株式会社リクルート在籍中にキャリア教育プログラムを立ち上げる。教育系NPO法人Teach for Japan初代理事。持続可能性とwell-beingをキーに、教育委員会や自治体のアドバイザーを務める。
Akai-chan launched a career education program while working at Recruit, Co., Ltd. and served as the first director of NPO Teach for Japan. She also serves as an advisor for boards of education and municipalities, with sustainability and well-being as her key focus.

Mayuka worked at McKinsey & Company as an Assistant at the University of Tokyo before joining the Harvard Business School Japan Research Center. She became an independent Ikebana artist in 2017 to bring the wisdom of Ikebana into today’s society.

Along with working at a company, Natsuko also contributes to social entrepreneurship and business leaders in Japan and assists their PR activities. She does PR for NPOs and national sports federations, writes and edits interview articles for various media, and develops cases to be used in leadership training at Japanese companies.

Designer with the aim of realizing sustainability through mutually energizing relationships/Facilitator/Editor/Researcher. Experiments & practices in Musashino University and Isumi City, Chiba Pref. Nao’s hobby is building huts.

Nanae became a writer after working in the international cooperation sector and weaves texts on cultures and philosophies present in real, everyday life. She also works as a housemother at a dormitory for exchange students.

Takashi was in charge of major financial institutions at IBM Japan before joining SVP Tokyo as a partner in 2012. He became a director of business and later served as the CEO from 2017 to 2021.

祖父である五井昌久が、戦後「世界人類が平和でありますように」 という祈り言葉を提唱し、宗教法人白光真宏会の創始者に。生まれた時から「祈り」の中で育ち、日々平和を探求している。
Her grandfather, Masahisa Goi, advocated the universal peace prayer, “May Peace Prevail on Earth,” after WWII and became the founder of Byakko Shinko Kai. Yuka grew up surrounded by prayers from the time of her birth and is exploring peace every day.

Active beyond borders in Southeast Asia, Middle & South America, New York, Europe, and Kazakhstan, Ai performs at Earth Day and international exchange events at embassies, etc. She sings archaic songs and weaves the deep resonance of the heart and ripples of nature through songs.

After working as a creative specialist at Recruit Co., Ltd., Miki founded echo LLC in 2022 with the intention to “echo the essence.” She runs a “creative partner” business to harness the innate creativity of all through design and facilitation, and to support transformation with creation and expression.

A film director working with the theme of “connecting people through images.” His work spans genres such as documentaries, art films, and commercial films.

After working as a project research associate at the University of Tokyo's Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, Rie entered the Ph.D. program at the University of Tokyo. She founded SPACE in August 2020, drawing on her experience as the project director of the "ROCKET Project" [Room of Children with Kokorozashi and Extraordinary Talents].
at Anytime
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