Wisdom of Co-cree!

How Can We Bring Drastic Changes to Communities and Society?
Wisdom of Co-cree! gained from more than 10 years of research activities
Co-cree! has conducted numerous field tests since 2011 and published a collection of wisdom on what it takes to create an ecosystem that generates co-creation, including the process, action guidelines, and workshop techniques. Please feel free to use them as references if you would like to try Co-cree! in your own city, organization, or community.
The GI Process creates the wave of a new era through feeling the invisible currents in the world
What is GI?
-Invisible large currents, the points where the currents meet, the swell of energy

GIとは「ジェネレイティブ・インテンション(Generative Intention)」の略です。直訳すると「立ち現れつつある意図」。もう少しわかりやすくいえば、「目に見えない世界のうねり」のことです。世界に起こるさまざまな現象の背景には、目に見えない大きな流れや潮目やエネルギーのうねり(GI)があります。私たちは、コ・クリエーション(共創)の場「地球コクリ!」を通じて、GIをいち早く感じ取り、集合的ひらめきをクリエーションにつなげ、新時代の波を次々に起こそうとしています(GIプロセス)。一人ひとりが人類や地球の痛みや願いに触れてGIを感じ、地球の願いが個人を通じて噴出する状態になり、地球と一体化しながら行動を起こし共創するとき、社会・地域が「ごろっと」変わっていくのです。

“GI” is the abbreviation of “Generative Intention,” which can also be described as the “emerging intention.” One may also call it the invisible swell of the world. Behind various phenomena occurring in the world are invisible large currents, the points where the currents meet, and the swell of energy (the GI). We strive to sense the GI quickly in “Earth Co-cree!,” a space of co-creation to bring collective inspirations to creation and create the wave of the next era (the GI process). When we sense the GI by being in touch with the pains, and wishes of humans and the earth, our wishes will erupt through each individual. When you act and co-create while becoming one with the earth, we can drastically change communities and society.



To create a wave that can bring drastic changes to communities and society through Earth Co-Cree!, a process is required where each person connects to the underlying source of their hope in the depths of their roots, connects to the passion of others through the roots, and further connects to the pains, sorrows, and wishes of humans and the earth. We respect the teachings of Joanna Macy* in the process, which states that we feel pain because we love and that pain is the source of creativity to bring the Great Turning. Often, not only hopes but pains and sufferings are the driving force of the GI. When being in touch with the hopes of oneself as well as others, it is important to face both hopes and other motions, such as pains, sufferings, sorrows, fears, anger, and powerlessness.

*Joanna Macy is a philosopher of ecology, activist, and Buddhist scholar who developed “The Work That Reconnects” and is the author of “Coming Back to Life” (New Society Publishers) and “Active Hope” (New World Library).

3 Steps of the GI Process

STEP1 未分化 / Undifferentiation

The GI process starts with each participant entering the ‘Undifferentiated Mode.’ We are usually differentiated into social titles, roles, and expertise. Undifferentiation occurs when one puts aside their titles and roles to focus on the inside and the life so far, passions and hopes, and emotions and intuitions. We can enter the Undifferentiated Mode by looking back on our lives and remembering the events that made us happy and when our energy flowed out. It is inevitable for us to be in touch with the underlying source of our hope and those of others in the depths of the roots and the pains and wishes of humans and the earth to enter the Undifferentiated Mode.


When we enter the Undifferentiated Mode, we can reach the wishes and pains lying deep within ourselves. Further, the border between oneself and others becomes blurred, and one can connect to the wishes and pains of society and the earth: the collective unconsciousness. It becomes easier for us to sense the “GI” then. However, the GI is initially in a state of collective unconsciousness and not expressed in words or concepts. To sense and verbalize this voiceless energy, Earth Co-cree! offers various dialogue techniques, such as the “4 rooms” ritual. When participants experience the 4 rooms ritual in an Undifferentiated Mode, the pains and wishes of the earth begin to erupt through individuals. As these eruptions occur in multiple places, we will eventually be able to sense, verbalize, and conceptualize the GI as a whole space.

STEP3 クリエーション / Creation

Once the GI has been sensed to a certain extent, keywords and concepts will be named to remember its subtle but significant essence. A prototype (trial version of a mechanism or system) will be created based on the GI. We often begin field tests in a local area, organization, or community using the prototype. When creating something, it is essential to be conscious of the challenges you want to take on, the future you want to see, and the stories waiting to emerge when you live the GI to its fullest. These creations are the first step in giving birth to the wave of a new era.

GIキーワードリスト /
List of GI Keywords



In 2017, we created the list of GI keywords during the Co-cree! Camp 2017 with all participants. The List is the collective intelligence of the past, present, and future engrained in their hearts.

Categories & Keywords
Blue: Technic, Technology
Light Blue: Education, Soil
Green: Community
Yellow: Society, Nations, Administration
Brown: Economy, Business
Orange: Organization
Red: Lifestyle, Working Style
Purple: Symbolic Events

7 Articles of Co-cree!:
Action guidelines and Way of being and for Self-transformation

The “7 Articles of Co-cree!” are the guidelines and way of being that we ask participants of Earth Co-cree! to honor. The Articles summarize the points necessary for each individual to remember to remain authentic in everyday life, achieve profound co-creation, and transform local and social systems that will change history.
For essential systems transformation to occur, each person’s everyday life must undergo change and experience self-transformation – the 7 Articles of Co-cree! help promote self-transformation. It is designed to facilitate dialogue with oneself by providing the seven significant perspectives and questions posed from each point of view.


  • 一. 自分の「根っこ」とつながる
  • 二. 恐れを超えて、未知に踏み出そう
  • 三. 仲間と「根っこ」でつながる
  • 四. 「身体の声」は可能性の扉
  • 五. 自分を巡る大きな環に想いを馳せよう
  • 六. 集合的無意識のなかに、次の時代のうねりがある
  • 七. 信じる世界を、体現しよう
  1. To connect with your roots
  2. Go beyond your fears and step into the unknown
  3. To connect with others through roots
  4. The voices of your body are the door to possibilities
  5. Think about the ground circle of life around you
  6. The swell of the next era lies in our collective unconsciousness
  7. Embody the world you believe in
Co-cree! Project
The future 100 years from now is rooted
in the changes we make today. This very day.
1.To connect with your roots

Each one of you has your own unique gift.
Only when you acknowledge and follow that feeling that wells up from within, can you perform to your fullest potential. You can feel what you were born to do. In the bustle of daily life, we are often pulled into the cycle of “must do,” but why don’t we live in the cycle of “want to do?”

-What sense of purpose are your roots grounded in, that makes you feel like you know what you were born to do?

2.Go beyond your fears and step into the unknown

Break free from your safety zone and discover your unknown self. You may feel anxious and uncomfortable in the beginning. Yet your future self, which is beyond expectations, awaits you ahead. Openness to self-transformation paves new paths for society. You have friends here who will watch over you.

-If there is a 30% of unknown self within you, what is it?

3.To connect with others through roots

Try to see not only the position and status of others, but their wishes from the roots and not-yet-visible possibilities that they haven’t even discovered for themselves. When you are on the same boat with them, to the point where you start to feel their pain as if it is yours, a true co-creation emerges.

-What is the person’s source of passion from which their energy flows?

4.The voices of your body are the door to possibilities

If you want to think beyond the existing framework of thought to create something new, honor the intelligence of your body to feel as much as you honor the intelligence of your head to think. The joys of your body or sense of discomfort are critical signals from humans’ super-high-performance sensors. Pay close attention to the voices of your body.

-What wisdom does your body know that your head doesn’t know yet?

5.Think about the ground circle of life around you

Feel the long history woven by your predecessors and imagine the future of many generations after you. We are passing the baton of life. Lives, nature, economy, and industry are connected and influencing each other. Our mission begins to become visible when we look at the whole system and its cycle.

-What is the action we must take, looking at us from a hundred years ahead?

6.The swell of the next era lies in our collective unconsciousness

We are diverse. Discover the signs dormant in our collective unconsciousness in your community. Open up and listen to the different senses of values. Let us be rocked by the cobwebs and fluctuations of our minds to listen to the voiceless voices of this time that point out the future. The swell of the next era must be alive already.

-What is our unconscious wish that hasn’t taken shape yet?

7.Embody the world you believe in

Trust the power of trust. Your communities and your fields are the grand labs. You have peers here who believe in our wild imagination. Test the hypothesis quickly. When you continue to test, break up, and create, you begin to see the shape of how you want it to be. Live the future you believe in here and now.

-Are you living the world you truly want to create from the bottom of your heart?

“Co-cree! Dendrogram”:
3 Streams & 12 Pillars of Wisdom to Co-Create a Future Beyond Expectations

English ver.


After conducting field tests with a diverse group of professionals and leaders, Co-cree! established a hypothesis: There are 12 types of wisdom to harness co-creation, which can be classified into 3 streams. The streams have been initially separated, but then came closer to influence each other, and could lead into a method to create a new future. This hypothesis was edited and systematized in members’ own words, and published in the video called “Co-cree! Dendrogram.”

流れ① 自己変容
Stream① Self-Transformation

智慧 1 / Pillars 1
Believe in Your Onw Gift
智慧 2 / Pillars 2
Lead the self
智慧 3 / Pillars 3
Inner universe
智慧 4 / Pillars 4

流れ② システム/全体
Stream② System/Whole

智慧 5 / Pillars 5
System thinking
智慧 6 / Pillars 6
智慧 7 / Pillars 7
Break the box
智慧 8 / Pillars 8
System Sensing

流れ③ クリエーション
Stream③ Creation

智慧 9 / Pillars 9
智慧 10 / Pillars 10
Do the right thing
智慧 11 / Pillars 11
Big idea
智慧 12 / Pillars 12
Don’t think, feel.

The 3 Streams & 12 Pillars of Wisdom of “Co-cree! Dendrogram” are available on the dedicated site.

The dedicated site features questions, keywords, and book references to explore each piece of wisdom more profoundly. Here is an example of “Wisdom (2): Lead the Self.” Click the link for more details.
Example: Pillar (2)
「周りを変える」から「私が変わる」 / Lead the self





インサイド・アウト、ワーナー・エアハード、Being、NVC、内観、ミルトン・エリクソン、認知心理学、オープンダイアローグ、ジェレミー・ハンター、Authentic Leadership in Action (ALIA)


『完訳 7つの習慣 人格主義の回復』スティーブン・R・コヴィー(キングベアー出版)
『NVC 人と人との関係にいのちを吹き込む法 新版』マーシャル・B・ローゼンバーグ(日本経済新聞出版社)

It is quite a challenge to change others; it is much faster to change yourself. By changing yourself instead of those around you, your relationship with others will change, and others will naturally change. Approaches such as Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Naikan Reflection, Cognitive Psychology, Open Dialogue, and the like can assist you in self-transformation.

Our Question:

How would others change if I changed?


Inside-Out approach, Werner Erhard, Being, Nonviolent Communication (NVC), Milton Erickson, Naikan Reflection, Cognitive Psychology, Open Dialogue, Jeremy Hunter, Authentic Leadership in Action (ALIA)

Books recommended for those who want to learn more about this type of wisdom:

Covey, Stephen R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013.
Rosenberg, Marschall B., and Chopra, Deepak. Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life-Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships. Encinitas, PuddleDancer Press, 2015.
The Arbinger Institute, The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves. Oakland: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2016.

Co-cree! Hundred Color Picture Scroll:
Stories & Wisdom emerged from the Co-creation Research Community in One Booklet

We are at an important crossroads of eras. To commemorate the 10th anniversary of Co-cree!, we’ve created the “Co-cree! Hundred-Color Picture Scroll” to share the wisdom of co-creation with people all over Japan and the world, hoping that the world will be filled with co-creations. We’d be happy if you could read this together with your precious, like-minded peers.

Quick Preview of Hundred-Color Picture Scroll

The Principles of Co-creation


To connect with your roots (your underlying wishes at the deepest level), and to connect with others through common roots.” These are our fundamental premise and guiding principles to realize co-creation. We’ve been cherishing these principles ever since starting our activities 10 years ago.

Wisdom from Research on Co-creation:What Makes a Community or Society Drastically Change?


To change our future in 100 years, we have been conducting field tests all over Japan with our 300 members, to realize co-creation. The conditions and processes that bring about collective inspiration, discovered through our 10 years of research and development, are creatively described with illustrations and charts.

Three Case Examples: Changes to Individuals, Community, and Society


1) Naoki Ota, former advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications, experienced self-transformation and now strives for social transformation while overcoming obstacles.
2) The story of “moving the mountain” in Kurokawa Onsen, Minamioguni, Kumamoto: Co-cree!’s starting point.
3) Hosting spaces to enable co-creation and a future beyond expectations in Ama Town, Shimane.

Members Who Have Studied Co-creation Together


Our members come from many backgrounds. From mayors, university professors, corporate managers, governmental officials, farmers, social entrepreneurs, leaders of non-profit organizations, to artists all over Japan. Our research community of 300 people is a microcosm of society to explore the conditions and process of co-creation.

Three Principles to Create Fertile Soil for Co-creation


What we especially value is the creation of fertile soil. Co-cree! has adopted the concepts of natural farming to community building. Just as crops will grow by themselves when an optimum environment for vegetation is nurtured, we believe the same is true for co-creation. Here are some examples of “future beyond expectations” that emerged for the members of Co-cree!.

The Co-cree! Genealogical Tree: Classification of Pieces of Wisdom on Co-creation from around the World into 12 Pillars


We have compiled and classified techniques and concepts for co-creation from different parts of the world, which were initially separated in the past, into 3 streams and 12 pillars. The video called “Co-cree! Genealogical Tree” contains the summary of these achievements.

Story and Wisdom of Co-cree!
at Anytime
Co-cree! Hundred-Color
Picture Scroll e-version

The Co-cree! Method


Workshop techniques to bring about self-transformation and new actions developed through field tests

We have been creating and refining various workshop techniques in the 15 years of field tests at Co-cree!. Here are a few pieces of wisdom on workshop techniques that evolved in a unique manner while learning from the latest facilitation methods from around the world. We hope you find this helpful.

Time/Space Expansion Dialogue: “4 rooms”


Top-level facilitators in Japan have been gathering at Co-cree! to demonstrate their high skills. However, there might not always be such skilled facilitators if the wisdom of Co-cree! is to be used in communities and organizations around the globe. With the question of “How can we bring drastic transformations even if top-level facilitation experts are not present?” we developed a ritual called “Time/Space Expansion Dialogue: 4 rooms.” By utilizing our bodily sensations and question cards, the “4 rooms” ritual expands participants’ awareness of time and space, and enables them to encounter their source and collective unconsciousness. This ritual allows for even facilitation beginners to promote the creation of prototypes by assisting participants in verbalizing and conceptualizing the GI.

Point 1:
Entering the Undifferentiated Mode by traveling through 4 spaces


As if traveling through four different countries, participants move around the four spaces: inside, outside, past, and present, while answering questions to expand their axes of time and space in each space. The ritual expands the participants’ awareness and shifts their mindsets to the extraordinary, Undifferentiated Mode.


This picture shows the participants before they travel through the four spaces. Each space has cards with questions, and each participant is asked to choose one. The critical point in this process is encouraging the participants to honor the sensation that the cards chose them: they need to encounter their card through serendipity.

Point 2:
Developing questions and dialogue process to dive deeper


We created five question cards, each with “light” and “deep” versions of questions along the inside, outside, future, and past axes. Providing the two sets of questions in different depths makes it easier for participants to enter the Undifferentiated Mode smoothly. By honoring the sensation of being chosen by the cards, participants can dive deeper into the questions without the facilitator’s presence.


Here are the examples of the questions, showing one from each of the four axes (inside, outside, future, and past). Scroll down for more.

Question from the inside (inner-self)
3. What frustrated you and annoyed you recently? What do you see yourself cherishing behind that?


Here are the examples of the questions, showing one from each of the four axes (inside, outside, future, and past). Scroll down for more.

Question from the outside (society, earth)
1. Could you describe the disruptions and difficulties you may be experiencing now?


Here are the examples of the questions, showing one from each of the four axes (inside, outside, future, and past). Scroll down for more.

Future: Questions from the future self and descendants
4. Imagine your descendants from seven generations after you come to the present time. What advice would they give to your initiatives now?


Here are the examples of the questions, showing one from each of the four axes (inside, outside, future, and past). Scroll down for more.

Past: Questions from the future self and ancestors
5. If your ancestors from seven generations ago came to visit us now, what would they be surprised about?

Point 3:
Participants make the space sacred to encounter their sources deeper


By organizing and adorning the “4 rooms,” the participants can encounter their sources more deeply. For instance, you can put objects in each of the four spaces to turn the space sacred. Highlighting the rooms’ characteristics and differences helps participants smoothly enter something out of the ordinary. You can also prepare and place special snacks that suit the characteristics of each room.


This photo shows a scene from the Nara Co-cree!, where local residents held the Co-cree! Camp while being watched over by the Dainichi Nyorai Buddha statue at the Todaiji Kangakuin Temple. The Todaiji Kangakuin is an edifice built in the early Edo period in 1647 and is a sacred place in itself. It is difficult to enter an extraordinary mode in an ordinary meeting room. As in this example, preparing a special place serves as an important trick.


More detailed information and case studies will be published later to spread “4 rooms” throughout Japan and encourage more people to utilize the resource.

地球コクリ!版 全生命の集い
The Council of All Beings – Co-cree! Version
Work to remember our connection with the earth – Learned from Joanna Macy

コクリ!が強く影響を受けているジョアンナ・メイシーのワークの1つに「全生命の集い」があります。このワークでは、参加者たちが自然のなかに身を置いて、それぞれ違う生命に憑依しながら対話します。一人ひとりが、木や動物や鉱物などの何かになりきって語り合うのです。全生命の集いを経験すると、人間視点ではわからないことを数多く発見し、素晴らしい気づきを得ることができます。私たちはコロナ禍に、この全生命の集いのエッセンスを取り入れながら、オンラインでより簡単に、より短時間で開催できるコ・クリエーションワークを開発しました。それが「地球コクリ!版 全生命の集い」です。

Joanna Macy’s work has been immensely influential to Co-cree!; “Council of All Beings” is a ritual she developed. In the ritual, participants place themselves in nature and be chosen by another life-form, for whom they will speak in Council. Each participant is chosen by a life-form other than humans such as a tree, animal, or mineral, and speak as the being. Through experiencing the Council of All Beings, you can gain many discoveries that you don’t otherwise find with the human perspective. We at Co-cree! developed a new co-creation ritual based on it during the pandemil, which can be conducted in a shorter time online with its essence: “The Council of All Beings – Co-cree! Version.”


In the original Council of All Beings, participants choose a being they want to speak on behalf of from nature, such as a plant, animal, or mineral, and create a mask to embody them. The participants then have a dialogue to share how it is to live as their respective beings, expressing their joys and pains.

「地球コクリ!版 全生命の集い」はオンライン開催でした。お面の代わりにその生命体の写真を出し、名前もその生命体に変えて対話しました。自己紹介も、「私は屋久島に住む木の長老です」などと語り合いました。顔が見えないからこそ、リアルで起こりがちな気恥ずかしさもなく、オンラインならではの没入感を短時間でつくることができました。

The “Council of All Beings – Co-cree! Version” was held online. Instead of making masks, the participants showed pictures of the beings they represented while changing their screen names. Their self-introduction went as such: “I am the elder of the trees alive on Yaku Island.” Not being able to see each other’s faces freed participants from embarrassment, and the immersive experience was made possible by the online nature of the meeting.


A round of storytelling took place by the participants fully immersed in their chosen beings. For example, a person speaking on behalf of the wind said in a different voice and tone: “It is so much fun to play with the horses” and “It hurts when I hit a wall.” The person who took the role of a stone said: “It’s a party under the ground!” Both were surprised by their own words.

Questions for Storytelling
1. What are you happy about being born in the life form, and what do you appreciate?
2. What are your present difficulties, pains, sufferings, worries, and fears? How do you experience the events happening in the world now?
3. What do you value about the earth for the future?

「地球コクリ!版 全生命の集い」では、コ・クリエーションの工夫として「ワードクラウド」を活用しました。この画像はワードクラウドを使い、皆で「人間に伝えたいメッセージ」を集合的に書き込んだものです。「長い目で地球の一員としての役割を知ると幸せになれる」「人間がみえていない、たくさんの大切な命がある」などの言葉は、ふだんの生活では得がたい貴重な視点です。

In the Co-cree! Version of the Council of All Beings, we used the Word Cloud as a tool for co-creation. This picture shows our collective writing about what messages we want to convey to humans. Valuable perspectives that we don’t gain in our daily lives, such as: “It makes me happy to know my role as a member of the earth taking a long view of things,” and “There are many precious lives that humans aren’t seeing.”


Experiencing this work enables the participants to sense the pains and love of creatures other than humans. They can also feel that they are receiving kind, affectionate suggestions from them instead of feeling blamed by different types of beings. This ritual provides a great insight into answering the final question of the movie “Re-member”: Where can we humans focus our energy right now?