Earth Co-Cree! Art
Connect with Greater Beings and Co-create
There are “yaoyorozu no kami” – eight million gods!
Gods are present in everything:
In the sun, wind, fire, rivers, mountains, rocks, trees, birds, animals, and in the kitchens
People have felt appreciation for every single being
and prayed everywhere
Wishing for peace on earth and happiness for all
Let us now revive our prayers
at the crossroads of time
Open our senses to the intentions of greater beings
Let us connect the universe and the earth
and reclaim the abilities that humans have forgotten
Let us create a beautiful world together
in which all living things are cherished
Humans, Gods, and Nature
地球コクリ! 祷りの旅
Earth Co-cree! Prayer Journeys
題字:書道家 嶋田彩綜先生
Title Calligraphy by Master Saiso Shimada
*For a complete experience, please enjoy the video with sound, which includes the original music composed especially for our journeys.
We believe that we can co-create with “yaoyorozu no kami” – the eight million gods – and nature when people shift from the “frequency of humans” to the “frequency of nature” to pray and dialogue with them. The invisible beings will respond to us kindly, and we can resonate with each other.
We humans have the innate ability to connect and co-create with invisible beings.
However, this inherent ability was forgotten by focusing too much on our thinking in a material-centered society that revolves around humans only.
When humans remember the innate, beautiful, powerful abilities, imagination, and creativity that only humans possess, a society will emerge that accommodates the well-being of humans and the earth.
Prayers and art open up our senses and awaken us to move forward to such a future.

Based on traditional Japanese calligraphy and flower arrangement, we have developed our unique “Co-cree! Rituals” by combining them with more than ten years of co-creation research with 300 members.
In our Rituals, creation is not done alone but with all present in the space. All would open their senses, feel beyond words, connect with greater beings, and co-create as humans, gods, and nature.
In precious places around Japan and the world, we have been conducting Earth Co-cree! Prayer Journeys and Co-cree! Rituals, together with a variety of musicians, shamans, and artists.
*Co-cree! is not affiliated with any particular religion.

コクリ!儀式 と 祈りの旅
Co-cree! Rituals and Prayer Journeys

Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Kumano Kodo’s registration as a World Heritage Site, a dedicatory event, “Calligraphy of Prayers and Otodama Offering,” was held at the Hanano Iwaya Shrine on July 7th, 2024, exactly two decades after the registration date. The Tourism Association of Kumano City organized the event and featured calligrapher Ai Sanda, singer Ai Yamaguchi, and saxophone player Etsuko Nakanishi. After the offering of songs and music played on the saxophone, the calligraphy of the letter “birth (産),” symbolizing the deity Izanami no Mikoto, the mother of all deities, as well as the letters “Sun (陽),” “Moon(月),” and “Earth(地),” signifying three gods who are her children respectively, were offered with the sense of appreciation.

2024年7月夏至の日に、北海道の道東にあるカムイミンタラ(アイヌ語で「神々が遊ぶ庭」)と呼ばれる場所にて、夏至祭「神居皆多楽」が行われました。オープニングにて音楽家 奈良裕之さんとともに書の奉納をさせて頂きました。
The Summer Solstice Festival “Kamui Mintara” took place in July 2024 at Kamui Mintara (“where gods play” in the indigenous Ainu language) in the eastern part of Hokkaido. Ai Sanda offered calligraphy at the opening ceremony with musician Yuji Nara.
Nara is a musician who plays traditional musical instruments from different parts of the world in improvisation in his unique style. He was featured in the movie “Gaia Symphony No.6.”He has dedicated music to shrines, temples, and relics internationally, and his music is known to resonate with the essence of people that reside deep within, for Nara plays music while using himself as a conduit.
We feel deeply honored to have had the opportunity to dedicate calligraphy, supported by the musical soul of Yuji Nara, to a special occasion of the Solstice at a place that the Ainu people have long cherished.

2024年3月、地球コクリ!の仲間と共に、千葉・いすみ市にて行った「祈りの旅」。地域で1番古いといわれる天之御中主神神社にお参りの後、奈良裕之さん(音楽)、 麻喜さん(祝詞・舞)、 一井優希さん(歌)、三田愛(書道)で、いすみで代々大切にされてきた祠で奉納を行いました。地元の方々に大変喜ばれ、その後より多くの方がこの場所を大切にする動きがでているそうです。
In March 2024, we went on a Prayer Journey in Isumi City, Chiba Prefecture, with the fellows from Earth Co-cree! After visiting the Ame no Minakanushi no kami Shrine, the oldest shrine in the area, Yuji Nara (music), Maki (norito, dance), Yuki Ichii (song), and Ai Sanda (calligraphy) performed a dedication ritual at a shrine that the people of Isumi have cherished for generations. Local residents were delighted with the event; it has been reported that more people have been proactive in caring for the shrine after the event.

2024年5月、地球コクリ!の仲間と共に湯河原にて行った「祈りの旅」。「白雲の滝」にて、奈良裕之さん(音楽)、 麻喜さん(祝詞・舞)、 三田愛(書道)で、奉納を行いました。荘厳で大迫力の滝でのいのりの時間や、滝に打たれる時間。デザイナーの太刀川英輔さんは「山と流域の龍の神様とつながった、人生が変わる体験だった」と言っています。
The Prayer Journey in Yugawara was held with the fellows of Earth Co-cree! in May 2024. Yuji Nara (music), Maki (norito & dance), and Ai Sanda (calligraphy) performed a dedication at “Hakuun no taki (White Cloud Falls). We prayed at the majestic and powerful waterfalls and stood under the stream. Designer Eisuke Tachikawa commented, “It was a life-changing experience that connected me with the dragon god of the mountains and the basin.”

According to the myth, Amamikiyo (Amamichu), the god who created Okinawa (Ryukyu), and her husband Sinerikiyo (Shirumichu) lived on Hamahiga Island. Ashimui is said to be the first sacred place in Okinawa, where Amamikiyo descended and created the island. There are more than 30 Utaki (place for worship) on Hamahiga and more than 50 on the entire mountain of Ashimui, where Daisekirinzan is located. The core members of Earth Co-cree! held a prayer journey while making pilgrimages to sacred places.

Calligraphy, conch shell music, and sutra chanting were offered at the Dewa Sanzan Shrine, a Japan Heritage Site, with Sendatsu (Master) Fumihiro Hoshino, the 13th head of Daishobo who holds the title of Matsuhijiri, the highest rank of the Haguro Yamabushi mountain monks. Dewa Sanzan is the collective name for Mt. Haguro, Mt. Gassan, and Mt. Yudono and is one of Japan’s three major sites of the Shugendo practice. Shugendo is a unique Japanese religion that combines mountain worship in a country rich in mountains and Buddhism as it arrived in Japan. Thus, Shugendo has both elements of nature worship of mountain deities and idolatry of Buddhism.
The three mountains of Dewa are considered to represent the present (Mt. Haguro), the past (Mt. Gassan), and the future (Mt. Yudono). Touring these three mountains has been revered since ancient times as a “journey of rebirth” that follows the path of death and rebirth.
The grand shrine hall Sanjin Gosaiden is dedicated to the deities of Mt. Haguro, Mt. Gassan, and Mt. Yudono and is the largest thatched wooden structure in Japan with a roof thickness of 2.1 m. Sanda offered calligraphy in the majestic hall, along with Sendatsu Hoshino, who played conch shell music and sutra chanting.

山伏・星野先達と、マクロビオティック料理研究家の第一人者 中島デコさんオーナーのエコビレッジ「ブラウンズフィールド」にて、星野先達の法螺貝・読経、中島デコさんのクリスタルボウル、三田愛の書道で3人の奉納を行いました。
At the eco-village “Brown’s Field” owned by the leading macrobiotic cooking researcher Deco Nakajima, mountain monk Sendatsu Hoshino, Ai Sanda, and Nakajima made a collaborative offering. Hoshino dedicated conch shell music and sutra chanting, while Nakajima offered crystal bowl music and Sanda calligraphy.
The Earth Co-cree! Members also held a dedication ritual at the sea of Isumi and at a special place where a tunnel appears in a large boulder only at low tide, through which one can walk to the other side.

At “Gandhi 3.0 Retreat,” an international conference held in January 2023 at Gandhi Ashram, India, Ai Sanda presented a calligraphy performance as co-creation art. The program brought together leaders from all over the world, including a former lawyer for President Obama, a 4-million-copy bestselling author, the founder of one of the major Austrian political parties, a Hollywood actress, an Aboriginal storyteller baptized by Dalai Lama, a neuroscientist who measures the meditative state of Tibetan monks, and the PR director for Prince Henry and Princess Meghan, and other diverse international leaders. At the performance, around 100 people became connected to the energies of earth and fire in science, while fellow participants Ishtar and Reinaldo improvised the sounds of earth, fire, wind, water, and dragon on drums and other ethnic instruments. The energy was then transmitted to Sanda’s body, arm, and brush, which were then locked onto paper in the form of letters to complete the co-creation ritual, realized by the collective effort of all participants.
Foreign leaders commented, “I was moved,” “I felt beauty,” and “Sanda looked like a warrior.” Some participants even shed tears. After the 15 minutes spent in the ritual, the atmosphere of the entire space wholly changed to become more profound and mystical. The words of the participants in the subsequent sessions became deeper and more essential to leave a significant impact on the program.
The calligraphy work was also displayed at an important moment in the final ceremony of the week-long program.
It was an irreplaceable experience that taught Sanda that she could contribute to the world with the Japanese spirituality of honoring 8 million gods by expressing it through calligraphy as an artist.

Ai Sanda held a co-creation art calligraphy ritual to celebrate the completion of the week-long program that brought together 50 social transformation facilitators from different parts of the world, including the United States, Europe, Scandinavia, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Japan. The four elements of the earth, earth, fire, wind, and water, were written in calligraphy, followed by the letter “love.” At the improvised co-creation ritual, Sanda asked two friends to play the African drums and the rhythm representing the elements as she wrote the letters in calligraphy. All participants then strived to connect to the earth’s energy, which was then sensed by Sanda with her whole body and transcribed on paper with brush and ink. The other elements were captured in the same manner. This piece of co-creation art, where everyone connects with a different type of energy at a time to be expressed on paper, marked a special finale of the program filled with profound emotional and intellectual moments during the program.

Manish Jain, a Harvard graduate and former associate of an investment bank, UNESCO, and UN, is committed to creating a model for unlearning in the ancient Indian city of Udaipur, where he runs “Prison University,” “Grandmother’s University, “ and “Complexity University.” A Co-cree! Ritual was held in front of local children in Sikshantar, where Jain is based.
Afterward, we listened to each child’s wishes, prayed together that they would become a reality, and had private Co-cree! sessions to put them in calligraphy. The word a child with the prosthetic leg wanted to be written was “courage.” When asked why, he replied, “I want the courage to run.” With his wish in mind, Sanda wrote “Courage to Run” with the Japanese brush. It was touching to see children as young as five years old praying sincerely – possibly because the custom of praying is deeply rooted in India. (It was quite cute to see answers to the question “What is the most important word for you?” – many of them answered “mother” or “father.”)

一人一人の願いを叶える応援として、その人にとっての大切な文字を描いていきます。ただその文字を書くのではなく、まずティンシャの音を鳴らしお祈りをし、その人の「願い」を聴いていきます。願いが叶った状態のエネルギーを2人で共にその場で創り、そのエネルギーを文字にして紙に閉じ込めます。バラク・オバマ政権下のホワイトハウスで顧問弁護士兼上級政務官を務めたPreeta Bansalの願いは「gentleness(穏)」と。理由を聞くと、男性社会の中で埋もれがちな自分の中の女性性が解放されるように、と。その願いを話すときの表情がとても穏やかで、深い根っこでつながれた時間となりました。
The Ritual involves drawing letters that are important to them. Instead of just writing letters To help people achieve their dreams, we first sound the tingsha bell and pray, then listen to the person’s wish. We create the energy when the wish is fulfilled on the spot and capture the energy down as letters. The wish of Preeta Bansal, who served as general counsel and senior policy advisor to Barack Obama in the White House, was to have gentleness (穏). When asked why, she commented that she wanted to unleash her femininity, which is often buried in a male-dominated society. The expression on her face when she spoke of her wish was so peaceful, and we could connect with each other at a deep, common root level.

Schumacher College, a unique graduate college in the world, has at its core an academic system called holistic science, where economics, science, agriculture, and psychology are acquired cross-disciplinary. Students study not only with the head but also with the body, the senses, and the soul, learning from nature. The Co-cree! Ritual took place with around 40 people, including the College’s founder Satish Kumar, where the letters representing earth (地), fire (火), wind (風), water (水), and love (愛), which Kumar advocates as the earth’s five primary elements, were written.

Brown’s Field is an Ecovillage where around 15 people live with the earth, growing soybeans, rice, wheat, and vegetables. The seeds of their crops, as well as condiments (soy sauce, miso, mirin, vinegar, etc.), are all homemade. It also hosts a macrobiotic café, a traditional house converted into accommodation, and a six-month sustainability school to meet the diverse needs of visitors. Brown’s Field already has several hundred alumni in its programs, and the Harvest Festival is the most significant event held at the Ecovillage. As people celebrated bountiful crops, Ai Sanda presented a calligraphy performance with singer Ai Yamaguchi and saxophone player Etsuko Nakanishi.
After Yamaguchi’s original song “Prayer,” Sanda wrote the corresponding letter “祷” in calligraphy.

At the annual Harvest Festival of Brown’s Field in Isumi, singer Ai Yamaguchi and Japanese bamboo flutist Jun Watanabe and Ai Sanda demonstrated a performance. Sanda wrote the letter “vibration (波動),” followed by the letter representing the sun shining brightly (曄). Although it had been raining and stormy since the morning, and the rehearsal was held under umbrellas, the sun began to shine as soon as the performance began, giving the audience goosebumps. A faint sign could be felt: when one’s vibration energy is in good condition, nature and the earth can answer us. The audience commented, “The atmosphere changed as the performance began,” “It was as if a dome of light came to exist in the space that the two artists created.”

Singer Ai Yamaguchi, saxophonist Etsuko Nakanishi, and Ai Sanda performed at the opening ceremony of the Harvest Festival. Ai Sanda wrote the letters “Earth, Wind, Light, Water” while the audience chanted, which resonated with the sky and the earth. Ai Yamaguchi then sang “Matsubanda,” a folk song from Yaku Island. Then the letter “Dragon” was written on a large sheet of paper. The works of art, space, and time were co-created in the resonance of all present. The windy and rainy day made it difficult for a calligraphy performance, but the sky cleared just before the performance. Ai Sanda’s costume was made by Chica Ishiwatari, symbolizing a red dragon.

First performance at Brown’s Field in Isumi: a solo performance of ikebana and calligraphy by Ai Sanda, where she wrote the letter “color (彩)” to add a bright touch to the Harvest Festival.

At the Co-cree! Camp 2018! held at Kencho-ji Temple in Kamakura, Ikebana Artist Mayuka Yamazaki led the activity “Team Ikebana.” Groups of 4 to 5 consisting of various change leaders, including government officials, executives of major companies, professors, innovation specialists, and social entrepreneurs, created Ikebana together. While listening to the voices of the flowers and “letting the flowers live” to create harmony, the participants touched on the essence of team management. They also experienced the beauty and difficulty of creating something new as a team in a situation with no fixed answer.

いけばなの花が不動産オーナーに見えた(笑) ●武井浩三さん
“SPT Ikebana” was developed together with Co-cree! research member Kenshu Kamura and Ikebana Artist Mayuka Yamazaki. Social Presencing Theater is used to find ways to solve problems without words but by improvising with bodies and positions to express complicated personal issues, with each person playing a specific role. This session was the first occasion where Ikebana was used instead of bodies. We aimed that the clues to solve divisions and conflicts could emerge through the beauty and harmony of Ikebana. Business leaders, who tend to use only their minds, have turned off their left brains to feel with their right brains, to sense into the system, and to seek to make management decisions with their senses liberated. Consequently, Kozo Takei, then known for governing his real estate firm with Holacracy, decided not to interfere in his firm’s new business.
Read the full article here (in Japanese)
About SPT Ikebana
Ikebana Flowers started to look like real estate owners! – Kozo Takei

Calligraphy Portfolio

いすみの海の音が聴こえる祠で書道奉納した「祷」。この土地を漁師家系として代々守ってきた渡邉さんが運営する場所に飾られています。となりには、いすみの海がモデルになったとも言われる、葛飾北斎の「冨嶽三十六景 神奈川沖浪裏/BigWave」のふすまが。

2023年作 第38回伯翠会書展 出品(銀座かねまつホール)


2022年 第37回伯翠会書展出品(銀座かねまつホール)

2022年 第37回伯翠会書展出品(銀座かねまつホール)


2021年 第36回伯翠会書展出品(銀座かねまつホール)
English belowHow can we bring drastic changes to communities english belowHow can we bring drastic changes to communities english belowHow can we bring drastic changes to communitiesenglish belowHow can we bring drastic changes to communities english belowHow can we bring drastic changes to communities.

隠岐諸島海士町で活躍する陶芸家 隠岐窯 勇木史記氏の作陶展題字を揮毫させて頂きました。2018年に揮毫させて頂き、毎年のように行われる作陶展で、お客様をお出迎えしています

Ikebana Portfolio